Venice – Look, See, Photograph

In my last post, ‘Venice, City of Love’ I asked you to look and see what was lying near the bottom of the Venetian lamppost in the shot? Here is another photograph of the same lamppost without the young couple.

Having looked, we could see a little yellow cardboard box which had once held Kodak film, sitting on the lamppost plinth. It had probably been mistakenly left there by a film enthusiast after loading his or her camera.

It could be argued that most people would walk by this scene and never see the box, and would also miss seeing it when looking at a print of the image. This is because most people tend to look at the general overall scene in front of their eyes rather than observing the smaller details.

So, what could be done to focus the eye of the viewer on the little box within the overall scene? Well, being the historical city that Venice is, there are millions of beautiful black and white images which have been taken since photography became possible and colour film became available. I therefore chose to isolate the box in colour and have a black and white background scene.

Even though the yellow box is very small, because it has been left in colour, it stands out from the scene and the eye is drawn towards it. The focus is therefore on the box first and then the context of the rest of the scene!

Thanks for visiting my post and I hope you like my photography.



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